Adventures in Oklahoma
Double click on this and you'll see how I amused myself Friday: Homophones and near-homophones. I started a blog Thursday, intending only to delete it and see if I could re-use the name. I got sidetracked before I managed to do that and ended up using it.
I no longer have any idea what got me started looking at sound-alike words, but I tbink I've come up with one of the longer lists on the internet. My list of homophones (not homonyms, as I'm using the terms) has this feature: double click on a word to see a pop-up window with the word's definition and pronunciation. Since I didn't bother to check all entries, you can use that to second guess me.
Do you have any idea how easy it is to add something to a blog? All you need to do is send an email to a "secret email address." You can see the secret address for by looking at the Cc: field above. Anyone who looks only at the blog won't know the secret. That's because only the subject and body of emails get added to blogs. As a result, no one can tell who made a particular addition if an email is sent only to a blog. It could be anyone who knows the secret.
I'll change my closing to the phonynm I've used for the blog so my real name doesn't appear there. I picked "Irwin" as a hat tip to "Professor" Irwin Corey, the world's foremost authority. Corey is now 93 and has an "official website." Whereas I'm only showing a copyright through 2008, the perfesser's notice goes through 2010.